Travel along the river with the writers

Learn thanks to the Seine

For kids

Discover the river and learn the history of the Seine through writers.

Read and understand the poems about the Seine
Do you know the «Chanson de la Seine» by Jacques Prévert?
How does the poet describe the river?
Do you know « Le maître et l’élève » by Jean de La Fontaine ?
What does the fable relate?
Discover the activities of the Seine
Do you know anything we can do on the Seine?
In the texts of writers, can you note the sentences that mention :
Walks and boating ?
Swimming ?
Fishing ?
Discover the words of the Seine
Do you know what those words mean ?
Des remous
Des avançons
Une péniche
Un remorqueur
Un chaland
Un vapeur
Write about the Seine
You can also write a text about the Seine : tell a story, describe landscapes, explain what you know about the Seine. You can even share «your» picture of the river !
And your text will probably be published on this website !
It’s up to you :